Process Stage


The mechanism for identifying, reviewing and approving a standard or set of standards is the Standard Adoption Lifecycle.

Who is Involved?

A number of different groups will be involved and interact in the various stages of the Standards Adoption Lifecycle.

  • Business Owners are accountable for progressing standards in the lifecycle from development through to approval and publication.
  • Standard Champions play a role in identifying standards, contributing to business cases, leading the technical review and making recommendations to the ISB.
  • Special Interest Groups (SIGs) undertake technical assessments, identify risks and issues and identify new and emerging standards.
  • Standard Working Groups (SWGs) develop the business case and carry out impact assessments for the adoption of a standard(s) and will champion the use of the standard within the business.
  • Systems Adoption Panels (SAPs) align and sponsor standards adoption work across the escs and specifically approve the business case for each standard(s).
  • An ISB Board Review will prioritise standards and make the final decision on the approval of a standard(s).

The Standards Adoption Process: Stages of Review

The lifecycle can be broadly broken down into three main stages – an initial stage to ‘identify’ standards that should be considered; a detailed ‘review’ of the standard; and the final ‘decision’ by the ISB Board.

  • At ‘Identify’ stage the TSS facilitates the identification process by appointing Standards Champions, SIGs and other interested parties to scrutinise and identify relevant standards both internally and externally. Standards that are deemed of potential benefit proceed into the standards adoption lifecycle
  • At ‘Under Review’ stage standards are reviewed against business need and prioritised. SWGs are formed to develop a full work plan and business case, which includes an assessment of the potential impact and benefits. A final step in the review process is for the SAP to agree the full business case and the TSS to pass its recommendations on to the ISB.
At ‘ISB Decision’ stage the ISB hold a review meeting to make the final decision on whether or not the standard(s) should be approved and adopted. Approved standards will be published in the business and included in the ISB standards library.